Why Are Cops Called 12? The Story Behind the Slang

Ever wondered why some folks refer to police officers as “12”? It’s a piece of slang that’s stuck around, popping up everywhere from street corners to hip-hop tracks. But what’s the deal with it? Let’s dive into the origins and meanings of calling cops “12”, and see why it’s more than just a random number.

Digging into the Origins, Where Did “12” Come From?

The truth is, pinning down exactly why police are called “12” is like trying to nail jelly to a wall – it’s tricky. There’s a handful of theories floating around, and depending on who you ask, you might get a different story.

The Radio Code Theory

Some say it’s all about old police radio codes. Specifically, the code 10-12, which used to mean “stand by” or “wait”. Over time, “12” got picked up as a quick way to say the cops are around.

Pop Culture’s Influence

Then there’s the theory that it’s all thanks to the TV show “Adam-12”. This classic cop show from the ’60s featured two officers patrolling LA in their car, 1-Adam-12. Similar to how “Hawaii Five-O” gave us “5-0” as slang for cops, “Adam-12” might have done the same.

The ACAB Connection

Another angle is the ACAB acronym, standing for “All Cops Are Bastards”. With “1312” representing those letters, some folks might have just shortened it to “12”.

Why It’s More Than Just a Number

Calling cops “12” isn’t just about having a secret code. It’s a heads-up, a way to let others know the police are nearby, which can be pretty useful depending on what you’re up to. It’s a bit like saying, “Hey, watch out, the teachers are coming,” but for adults.

Is It Disrespectful?

Whether calling cops “12” is disrespectful really depends on how you’re using it. Sure, for some, it’s just a neutral term. But throw in a certain tone or mix it with other words, and it can definitely take on a more negative vibe.

The Power of Slang

Slang like “12” says a lot about how people view the police. It’s not just a word; it’s a reflection of our society’s complex feelings towards law enforcement, ranging from cautious respect to outright distrust.

So, why do we call cops “12”? It’s a mix of history, culture, and social dynamics. Whether it’s a harmless heads-up or something with a bit more edge, “12” has carved out its spot in our slang dictionary.


1. Is using “12” common everywhere? Not really. It started in the South, especially around Atlanta, but you’ll hear it in lots of places now, thanks in part to music and movies.

2. Is calling cops “12” offensive? It can be, depending on the context and how you say it. But often, it’s just slang, not meant to offend.

3. Why do people even use “12”? It’s quick, it’s catchy, and it lets people know the cops are around without spelling it out.

4. Are there other slang terms for police? Yep, like “5-0” or “the fuzz”. Each one has its own backstory and vibe.

5. Will “12” keep being used? Language always evolves. As our attitudes towards police change, so will the slang we use to talk about them. Who knows? In a few years, “12” might mean something entirely different.
